In God We Trust: The Art Of Letting Go Of The Wheel

Of control and curveballs

Aah, life never seems to have a shortage of curveballs to throw at us. Yes, our circumstances are different, and our problems are wildly varied. However, there is no difference in that pitting feeling at your very core when you realize that you may not have as much control as you wish.

Perhaps the most appropriate example of how easy it is to lose control is the recent global situation with COVID-19. Who knew that all it took was one little microscopic bug to cripple the entire world essentially. And as we go through these trying times and the different curveballs that come with it, we can all say that in God we trust.

It hurts more than it helps

Do you take pride in being independent? Then, you probably understand better than anyone else just how difficult it can be to surrender control completely. It can be absolutely nerve-wracking to think that you might not be the one to bail yourself out of whatever hole you have fallen into.

Many fail to appreciate that sometimes, holding on too much only hurts us. You might think you know the way out of whatever problem you are dealing with. However, in some cases, the solution you think you have is the absolute opposite of God’s intended way out, and continuing on that path will only prolong your suffering.

Remember David’s wisdom in Proverbs 3:5.

” Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…”

Proverbs 3:5

Trust vs. Faith: Understanding the difference

Before we get into details on taking on the In God we trust attitude, it is essential to understand what trust means. You must learn how to distinguish it from faith.

To put it simply, faith is the belief in things for which we have no proof. This means believing in God despite the fact that you have never actually physically seen his being. Trust, on the other hand, is more about believing in His goodwill and that there is a plan in everything.

Author Nolan Dalla explains the differentiation further, citing that trust is more often than not built on evidence of past grace and blessings sent your way by God.

With this understanding, it is clear that it is possible to believe in God’s presence and power but not fully trust Him to take care of you.  

Bible giants who lived by the ‘In God We Trust’ mantra

This has been a driving mantra for many iconic Bible heroes. Let us take a look at three of the best examples and see what there is to learn from their stories:

King David

”When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?” -Psalm 56:3-4

David’s entire life was a journey of trusting God, and it was a truly inspiring and exciting one at that. Whether he was fighting lions, armies, or his own personal demons, David always made a point of involving God in his plans and, on more than one occasion, completely let go of control.

The most iconic example of his trust in God was when he had to fight Goliath. He trusted that God would protect him and give him victory, and it worked out wonderfully for him.

Daniel and his three besties

”The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den, and when Daniel was lifted out of the den, no wounds whatsoever were found on him, because he had trusted in his God.” – Daniel 6:23

Daniel and his three companions, Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego, were put to the ultimate test of faith and trust. It all started with their defiance of secular laws, which troubled them. Whether it was the pit of lions or the furnace, they maintained their trust in God to get them through safely.

Jesus Christ

There is probably no bigger curveball in history than having God Himself as your father only to be offered as a living sacrifice for the sake of everyone’s sins. Most of us would have bowed out if asked to bear that yoke.

However, Jesus took it like a champ and trusted God and the process. And thousands of years later, billions of souls have been saved because one man agreed to let go of the wheel.

There is freedom in letting go; Here’s how you do it 

Trusting God works, and we have learned time and again from different scriptures in the good book about how God never lets those who put their trust in him down. But how do you go about letting go? Here are a few pointers that could help you out on your journey to figuring out how to trust God:

Don’t panic

When things go sideways in your life and plans fail, go against your instincts to panic and take a moment to breathe. Remember that God saw this coming and had His plans already underway. So please take it in stride and trust that things have already been resolved.

Use the resources provided to you by grace

Sometimes, God’s response to your curveballs is to give you the resources you need to handle the situation. You have to look around you, and you will find them. That way, you do not have to sit by and do nothing as your life seemingly falls apart.

Take it to the Lord in prayer

Learn how to express your fears and disappointments to the Lord. Yes, He already knows what you are going through and has plans underway to help you out. However, speaking to Him will give you a sense of peace and comfort which definitely makes things easier.

Be patient

God does things in His own time, and even when you think He is late or dragging the process, His timing is always perfect. So be patient even when things are hitting rock bottom. If you trust Him, He will not let you down.


No one has ever said that trusting God is easy, but it does always work out. So let go of the wheel and learn to live in the God we trust mindset. Let He who knows all guide you out of whatever darkness is taking over your life. 

”Blessed is the man who trusts is in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord” – Jeremiah 17:7

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