Growing Closer To God As A Couple

Do you still have warm memories of the day you and your spouse exchanged vows amid cheers and celebration from friends and family? Do you remember the beauty of how you walked down the aisle hand-in-hand with your partner, confident that your marital journey had begun in the presence of God? What was your deepest desire as you walked out of the church that day?

God’s ultimate plan for spouses is to help them get to heaven and share in His glory forever. However, you and your spouse may be asking yourselves: What can we do to grow closer to God as a couple and glorify His name through our lives?

You may desire to enjoy a marriage that is full of God’s presence. For this to happen, you and your spouse need to work on your marriage every day. You need to embrace God fully, give Him all your issues, and place Him at the center of your union. 

The Bible, in Ecclesiastes 4:12, says:

Loving Him Well: Practical Advice on Influencing Your Husband
  • Thomas, Gary (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4:12

When you and your spouse bear each other’s burdens and love each other as Christ loved the church, then nothing can overpower your marriage. Having God at the center of your union is a winning formula against any challenges in your marriage.

Here are six ways you and your spouse can grow closer to God together:

1. Cultivate a personal relationship with God

It’s much easier to build a godly relationship when you are already living according to God’s principles in your everyday life. It may be an uphill task to pray and study God’s word with your spouse if you do not abide by God’s word and practice His teachings daily.

2. Always communicate

Communication is an integral part of any marriage. As you grow in your spiritual journey as a couple, take time to communicate your feelings and equally listen to your partner when required.  

3. Pray for your spouse and pray with your spouse

Standing in the gap for your partner and praying for them is one of the most important things you can do for your marriage. Of equal importance, praying with your spouse is impactful. It breaks down every problem and helps you channel all situations to God for His intervention and solutions.

4. Study the Bible together

The Bible offers solutions to every challenge that we face. It has great wisdom and knowledge on how to handle life and how to win in every situation. With this in mind, always create time to study the word of God together and apply God’s solutions to your marriage.

5. Surround yourselves with godly couples

Connecting with couples who love God and have the same desire to serve Him is important. You will always have spiritual conversations, and they will also pray for you and your marriage. It’s helpful to befriend couples of different ages, too, since older couples are more experienced and can offer wise counsel when your marriage faces trials.

6. Love each other just as Christ loves the church

The Bible clearly states how Jesus Christ loved the church, how He was gracious, and how He laid down His life for the whole world. Choose every day to love your spouse unconditionally through good and bad times. Don’t give up on your spouse easily because of challenges; choose to show love to your spouse and allow God to take center stage in your marriage.

Conclusively, always remember that on your wedding day, you not only made a promise to each other but you also made a promise to God. As you both grow closer to God, you’ll definitely bond much more and enjoy rich love, all to the glory of God.

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