Friday Morning Prayer: Thank God It’s Friday!

Amongst all days, Fridays are one of those days where there is a sigh of relief in the air and one common Friday morning prayer that we hear often is, “Thank God it’s Friday!” or TGIF for short.

One normal thing about this prayer is the feeling of happiness that accompanies it because the work week is finally over for most, and it’s almost time to rest for the weekend.

Many things rank this beautiful day as one of the best of the week. Getting off work earlier, going out with friends, getting home early to spend time with loved ones, or any other relaxing activity.

What comes next is the weekend, which we know as a resting and refreshing time in most parts of the world. One good way to start your weekend is by praying that they are more restful, peaceful, and promising than the previous week’s work days.

In this article, we will explore some beautiful Friday morning prayers that can transform your weekend into a promising one.

Friday Morning Prayer: Entering Your Weekend with Prayers

The blessings that come from daily morning prayers are beyond what we can imagine. Prayer is how we invite the Divine into our life’s matters.

Every time we pray, we get God involved in our situations. Take these Friday Morning Prayers with all your heart. You are free to alter and adjust them to suit your specific conditions.

Whichever way you do it, our goal and heart desire is that you are richly blessed, and may your Friday be filled with the touch of God Himself. With these powerful prayers, we believe you can achieve that.

Remember, when you pray, you are talking with your Father. So, do not be afraid and talk with him as His child. It’s a father-to-child conversation.

Let’s pray, my friend.

Friday Morning Prayers With Bible verses

  • Dear Father,

Thank you because today is Friday, a day of reflection and renewal. Thank you for bringing me safely to this day amidst the chaos in the world.

Your words remind me of Psalms 23:1:

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.”

Lord, I thank you for the satisfying promises in your word. I am grateful for how you have been with me this past week. I acknowledge your abiding presence in my life, and I am amazed by your steadfast love.

Thank you for the assurance that tells me in Isaiah 43:2:

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

Lord, I am assured, and my heart will not be afraid when the storms come because I know that you are with me. Amen.

Your word tells us in Psalm 37:4:

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

So, Lord, as I delight in your will, I pray this day to be productive for me in the name of Jesus.

Please, keep my loved ones and me strong and expectant, for we are assured of your plans and desires for us.

You already told me from your word in Jeremiah 29:11:

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

I believe this, and I declare that I see it mightily working in my life. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday Weekend Blessings

  • Dear Lord,

May this Friday prayer pave the way for a weekend filled with peace and joy, embracing us in its relaxing arms.

We ask, dearest Father, for your grace to see us through these coming days. With all our hearts, we pray that your power goes before us today and makes our weekend prosperous.

May this weekend and the coming week be full of good news and everything that will fill us with joy and laughter. I declare this a happy weekend for us. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

  • As we gather in prayer this Friday, may we be blessed with moments of laughter, love, and cherished memories.

Lord Jesus, fill us with blessings for the weekend. Blessings that rejuvenate our spirits and renew our strength for the days ahead.

Dear Father, as we bow our heads in prayer today, may the weekend ahead unfold with opportunities, positivity, and abundant blessings.

This we pray in the name of your son Jesus Christ, Amen.

  • Dear Father,

The week was for me to achieve many other things and to attend to personal things. You led and brought me safely throughout, helping to achieve each goal.

Please, Lord, help me live for you this Friday and the coming weekend. Fill my heart with fire and desire for your name.

Lord. I ask for the strength to lift the banner of your name and love this weekend. Let those around me see how good you are, Lord.

Let all those around me come to know how loving you are, dear Father. And let the world know what a Savior you are!

Let your will be done this weekend in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday Prayers and Blessings

Dear Lord, on this blessed Friday, our hearts overflow with gratitude. Week after week, your miraculous blessings have never ceased in our lives.

Just as it says in Psalm 136:1:

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.

Lord, your love remains unstoppable and eternal, and your goodness knows no bounds. We are humbled by the generosity you show us in Christ Jesus.

As we step into this day, we pray, Lord, may Your grace shower upon us; we pray for a magnificent outpouring of Your favor. Your word says to boldly come to your throne of mercy and obtain grace to help in times of need.

As your Grace becomes our strength, may we be shielded from challenging situations. We pray that the disappointments we face today and during the weekend be turned in our favor and work for our good.

In Your mighty name, we rebuke every form of negativity from our lives. We stand strong in faith in your name. We know that our strength cannot keep us but yours only. In you, we fully put all our hopes and dependence.

We are certain that we will emerge victorious because you have crowned us victorious by the power of your Holy Spirit in us.

May Friday dawn upon us, accompanied by Your abundant blessings. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

Friday Prayer for Family

Dear God,

Step by step, you lead me and my family through the week into this Friday. We are grateful for your powerful hand over us.

Lord, we speak peace and joy to our homes this Friday and in the coming days in the name of Jesus.

We declare that our going out and coming in this Friday is blessed by your power, Lord.

We pray that this Friday will only leave us with memories of joy and laughter. We ask that your angels be with every member of our family. None of us will be injured or lost today and hereafter.

I declare that we are surrounded by the hedge of your presence. Our steps are ordered. And may we be filled with hope about the future of our children.

Lord, may the lives of our children and loved ones yield bountiful results. Above all, keep them sane in the midst of an insane world by the power of your word. May they not lose themselves to life’s pressures.

Thank you, Father, for I know you will always hear me, In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Final Thoughts

We hope you were blessed by these prayers. We want to let you know that the aim of this is that you be blessed both on your weekdays and your weekends.

We also want you to be dedicated to committing your life and days to the warm embrace of God’s love through consistent prayer.

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