How to Encourage Others to Grow Spiritually

Encouragement goes straight to the heart. 

The word itself originates from a combination of the prefix en, which means “to put into,” and the Latin root cor, which means “heart.” Knowing what a huge difference encouragement can make in someone’s life, what can you do to help others take heart when times are challenging and the spiritual journey feels long?

Challenges of Modern Life

Everyone encounters challenges in their day-to-day lives. Further, being a Christian in today’s world can mean feelings of isolation that may make someone doubt the power of God or wonder whether God really exists. 

God has tasked you to be your brother’s and sister’s keeper by filling in these gaps, helping others trust in Him fully through spiritual encouragement. 

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  • Thomas, Gary (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

Why Should You Encourage Others to Grow Spiritually?

We encourage others because we believe that it will lift someone’s heart and renew their strength in God. Encouragement points out the evidence of God’s grace in someone else and testifies that God is in charge. It points to God’s promises, which give assurance that no matter what transpires, God is in control.

The Bible says:

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:24-25

What Do You Need to Do to Encourage Others Spiritually?

Jesus interacted with many people from all walks of life, and He tailored His interactions to their needs. All these years later, Jesus is still calling you to a deeper relationship with Him, and you have the privilege of helping others grow spiritually while on the journey.

How can you support someone else on their spiritual journey?

  • Pray that God may help you identify someone with whom to begin a discipleship relationship.
  • Be a friend by making yourself available to others. Meeting people where they are and being a good friend is the single most effective way to develop these meaningful—and mutually beneficial—relationships.
  • Ask God to help you grow closer to Him. This is a prayer that He always wants to answer for His children whenever they submit to Him.
  • Pray for the person you want to encourage. Letting someone know you’ve prayed for them can be a great way to start a meaningful conversation, and it’s powerful for the recipient to know that you’ve taken their situation to God. Simply talking to someone can be meaningful and give you the chance to be there for that person and offer help.
  • Provide physical support whenever possible. Can you run an errand for someone, drop off some food, or send a card to let someone know you’re thinking about and praying for them? Even if an act is simple, it can go a long way toward demonstrating Christ’s love for someone and making a difference to the person you are supporting. 

As you learn to encourage others in the Lord, let it become a natural part of your life. Let God’s power shine through your positive input into someone’s life.

By encouraging others on their spiritual journey and being a blessing in their lives, you are proudly representing God, who will, in turn, watch over you to fulfill His word upon your life.

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