Why 10 commandments if God gives us free will?

Christians believe that God gave us free will. We also believe that God gave us the Ten Commandments.

But if we have one, why do we need the other? Are they even mutually compatible?

The Question of Free Will

The question of free will has long challenged Christianity. Some Christian groups believe in it, and others don’t.

Those who reject free will believe that if God is all-powerful, humans will not be able to do things that are against the will of God. Those who believe in free will say that if humans didn’t have free will, there would be no greed, violence, etc.

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Perhaps surprisingly, the Bible only uses “free will” once in the too-oft-ignored Letter of Paul to Philemon. The early part of the letter refers to one “Onesimus,” who has been traveling with Paul but is returning to Philemon. Paul writes,

I preferred to do nothing without your consent in order that your goodness might not be by compulsion but of your own free will.”

Philemon, 1:14. RSV

On the matter, the Catholic Church teaches that,

“Individuals have rights because they are persons endowed with freedom to co-operate with God’s grace in working out their immortal destiny.”

Hardon, P. 106

Both passages point to a unified message: God gave humans free will so that we might show love not by simply doing God’s works but by choosing to – even when other options are available.

This still leaves the question: why do we need the Ten Commandments if we have free will?

Why God Gave Us the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments make up all of Exodus Chapter 20. However, in the previous chapter, God explicitly explains their purpose to Moses:

“If you will obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be My own possession among all the peoples; for all the earth is mine, and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”

Ex. 19:5-6

In other words, we can use our free will to follow the commandments as a sign of obedience to God, and God will show us a favor. We can also use our free will not to follow God’s commandments, but there will be consequences to those actions.

In this way, our relationship with God is similar to that with others. God will always care for us, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t show that we care for God. We do that by choosing to follow the Ten Commandments.

How Commandments and Free Will Go Together

It may seem that God gives humans free will and that the Ten Commandments don’t make sense. However, they make perfect sense.

If God had not given us free will, we would not need the Ten Commandments or any of God’s other commandments. 

Following the Ten Commandments is one way to build a relationship with God beyond that of creator and creation.

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