Tim Tebow Stands Against Child Abuse: Unveils Renewed Hope Act of 2024

Tim Tebow, former NFL star and advocate, took to Capitol Hill on Tuesday, joining lawmakers to announce the Renewed Hope Act of 2024, a bill designed to combat child exploitation. Speaking at a press conference, Tebow shared chilling excerpts from conversations between predators, who boasted about their disturbing preferences and collections of exploitative material.

“When I read that chat, it hurts,” Tebow said, his voice heavy with emotion. Despite the pain, he expressed hope, emphasizing the importance of action. “People with evil intentions often work harder than those aiming to do good. But today, I believe good people are coming together powerfully.”

The Renewed Hope Act aims to enhance the ability of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security to rescue victims and apprehend offenders.

The bill includes provisions to fund training, equip personnel, and advance victim identification techniques. Introduced by Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), the bill also has bipartisan support in the House.

Tebow reflected on the word “renewed,” emphasizing its power to help children “flourish once more.” He urged action: “Right now, they’re crying. We can’t just talk—we must act.”

Tebow’s commitment stems from personal experience. He recounted how his father, Robert, rescued four girls from being sold at an auction years ago, sparking Tebow’s dedication to the cause. “We have to step up,” Tebow said. “For those girls and so many others.”

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