“The Bible Has Transformed My Life”: Gen Z Finds Happiness and Mental Health Boost in Daily Reading

A new study offers a glimmer of hope for Generation Z amid rising concerns about their well-being.

The American Bible Society has released a report indicating that despite having the highest stress levels, Gen Z finds solace in daily Bible reading.

According to the State of the Bible 2024 report, Gen Z scored 12.9 on a stress scale, the highest among all age groups.

Boomers scored 6.3, Gen Xers 9.9, and Millennials 11.9.

However, there’s a silver lining for those in Gen Z who are “Scripture engaged.”

These individuals regularly read their Bible and feel it impacts their lives positively.

Scripture-engaged Gen Z members scored 8.0 on the human flourishing index.

This index measures happiness, mental health, and social relationships.

Their score surpasses Millennials at 7.9 and Gen X at 7.6.

It matches the Boomers’ score of 8.0.

The findings suggest that Bible engagement offers a path to a more fulfilled life for Gen Z.

The report highlights that many in Gen Z are Bible-disengaged.

This group has the lowest flourishing score at 6.0.

Yet, the Scripture-engaged subset stands out with a flourishing score of 8.0.

This indicates a life filled with purpose, character, and happiness.

Approximately 55% of Gen Z respondents stated that the Bible has transformed their lives.

The American Bible Society’s Chief Innovation Officer, John Farquhar Plake, finds this data promising.

He notes that despite previous troubling statistics about Gen Z, this report shows a positive trend.

Generation Z, aged 18–27, has been less connected to the church and the Bible than older generations.

They experience higher stress and less hope.

However, those who engage with Scripture score higher on the human flourishing scale than their peers who do not.

This suggests that regular engagement with the Bible helps counteract the challenges young adults face today.

The research underscores the potential of Bible reading in fostering a sense of well-being among Gen Z.

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