Nigeria: The Deadliest Place for Christians

In Nigeria, the danger for Christians is all too real. Last year alone, over 7,000 Christians were murdered, more than in any other country. Northern Nigeria, dominated by Islamic extremism, is brutal. Terror groups like Boko Haram and the Fulani militias spread terror, burning villages, leaving mass graves, and targeting churches even on holy days.

One Christian mother, Rhoda Jatau, was jailed for 19 months and falsely accused of blasphemy. Her neighborhood was ransacked by a mob, reflecting the systemic persecution Christians face under Nigeria’s harsh blasphemy laws. These laws, enforced in the northern states’ Sharia courts, can sentence individuals to death for “insulting” Islam, often based on flimsy accusations.

ADF International is fighting back, aiding persecuted Christians, and challenging these oppressive laws. They provide legal support, help converts escape violence, and lobby global governments to pressure Nigeria into change. Their efforts extend to defending cases like that of Yahaya Sharif-Aminu, a Sufi Muslim sentenced to death for sharing song lyrics.

Despite the relentless persecution, the faith of Nigerian Christians remains strong. But the international community must act. Only through global advocacy and legal intervention can we hope to alleviate the suffering of Nigeria’s Christians and uphold their right to worship freely.

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