Don’t Be Afraid To Stand Up for Your Faith

For centuries, defending God’s word has always been “controversial”. Many saints in the past suffered and were persecuted for standing up for God.

These times are no different. In every corner, the fear of being silenced looms at the back of the mind of the faithful.

Do you speak for God? You get silenced.

Do you speak to protect the unborn? There will be people who will attack you.

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You fear for your job. You fear you may lose clients, friends, or customers. You have the fear of losing everything.

As a result, people tend to remain neutral on the outward.

The Struggle of the Faithful: The Fear of Losing Everything

Every day, the average Christian faces a lot of moral dilemmas. He asks himself, “Should I speak for God? Or Should I risk losing everything?”

It is undeniable that in these situations, fear precedes almost everything else.

God says, “…do not fear, for I am with you.” But how do we internalize this promise?

Isaiah 41:10

It is difficult to blame people living in fear. Society has established different forms of public persecution for those who dare to speak against the established narratives, which we know, are not of God.

They remove you from platforms where you voice your stand. They ban you. They silence you, they will threaten you, and yes, they will not be afraid to persecute you.

Fighting with Prayer

How do we fight back? God says we must pray. When faced with threats and fears, He tells us to present our request to Him because He listens.

God says: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Philippians 4:6-7

What we face today is no longer a physical battle. This is now spiritual warfare.

The soul of every human, loved by God, is threatened by unseen entities working around destructive cultures. It is then up to us to redirect the narrative back to God Almighty.

Reminding ourselves that God keeps His promises

We shield ourselves with God’s words. He said:

“…for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you”

Isaiah 41:10

The challenge is to take this seriously. It is difficult. We are so troubled by uncertainties that we forget God said He would be with us at all times.

Yet God understands this fear. Isn’t it a coincidence that the words “Fear not” appeared 365 times in the Bible?

At least once every day of the year, we can be reminded to be strong and not be fearful. This is God’s way of guiding us in our everyday battle.

God says:

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you”

Isaiah 41:13

Such a comforting message in this world of fear and anxiety. Like children, we look up to God and trust that He will help us.

In the midst of suffering, remind yourself that God allows pain, but He will never abandon you. They may break your body, but God will protect your soul.

Hold on to Your Faith

We are spiritual beings. Our life does not merely end when we die. It goes on forever.

We must trust God that these difficulties are nothing compared to the glory that is to come.

How many cultures throughout the centuries were influenced by Jesus’ teachings? How many lives were changed because one saint chose to sacrifice even his life for God? These people chose to die so that we may live.

The question is: are we willing to endure the pain of sacrifice for God’s glory?

Today’s spiritual warfare is difficult, but God is in our hearts. His words in the Bible bring love and comfort to the weary heart.

You can now let go of the fear because you know God keeps His promises.

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