Benjamin Watson: A Call to Rise Above Political Tribalism in the Church

Former NFL star Benjamin Watson, a prominent figure in the pro-life community, urges Christians to prioritize Scripture over political affiliation.

Despite his strong pro-life stance, Watson often diverges from typical partisan views, particularly on issues of race and justice.

On social media, Watson is known for challenging both Republicans and Democrats, highlighting political tribalism as a significant issue within the church.

“We are to be a people of the Word,” Watson emphasized in an interview with Crosswalk Headlines, stressing that believers should ask what God desires, even if it conflicts with their political party.

Watson, who played 15 NFL seasons alongside legends like Tom Brady and Drew Brees, now splits his time between family, sports analysis for the SEC Network, and advocacy work.

As vice president of strategic relationships for the Human Coalition, Watson describes himself as a “Believer, husband, father, Justice Advocate, and author.”

A verse from Micah 6:8 fuels his mission: “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your God?”

Watson’s commitment to justice manifests in various ways, driven by what he believes God says about protecting the vulnerable and showing compassion.

At the K-Love Fan Awards, Watson reiterated his stance, prioritizing Scripture over political platforms, which he finds partially agreeable but ultimately guided by his faith.

In the pro-life community, Watson sees a need for compassion and support for mothers, noting a decline in activism post-Roe v. Wade’s overturning.

“There was a bit of apathy in the pro-life movement,” Watson observed, stressing the ongoing state-level battles and the necessity of church involvement.

He calls for a multi-pronged approach, combining legal advocacy with community support, particularly for women considering abortion due to their circumstances.

Watson cites a study from the Human Coalition, revealing that 76 percent of women served would prefer to parent if their situations improved, highlighting the need for comprehensive advocacy to bridge this gap.

In essence, Watson champions a faith-led approach that transcends political divisions, urging Christians to unite under the guidance of Scripture to address complex societal issues.

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