[Shocking Testimony Video] Disney Star Finds Redemption: ‘I Needed Jesus’

Joshua Bassett, the Disney star famous for his role in “High School Musical: The Series,” has experienced a profound spiritual awakening. After years of mocking Christianity and dismissing his faith, Bassett is now a believer, an unexpected turn for the actor who once sat on the Zach Sang Show and ridiculed the very idea of God.

Bassett reflected on his transformation in a recent interview on that same show. “I mocked God on this couch,” he admitted. “For me to be here talking about Jesus, I’m the last person I would expect.”

Bassett’s journey from disbelief to faith is marked by deep personal struggle. Despite growing up in a Christian household, he spent years searching for peace through various spiritual practices and even drug use. But nothing satisfied the emptiness inside him. That is until he encountered a terrifying vision that he could not dismiss as a mere hallucination.

“My soul was falling to the pits of hell, a hell I did not believe in,” Bassett recalled. He described being surrounded by thousands of demons, mocking and torturing him. This was not an ordinary experience. He knew it was real, and it shook him to his core.

Afterward, Bassett spent six months reconciling his newfound spiritual awareness with his old ways. He attempted to medicate his way to peace but found no relief. Instead, one day, as he tried to meditate, something extraordinary happened. “I sat up, and immediately I felt the Holy Spirit, which I had never felt before,” Bassett shared. I just knew in that moment that I needed Jesus.”

In that instant, Bassett’s life changed. He called his father, asking for help to accept Christ. His father, who had been praying for him, guided him through the prayer of repentance.

Reflecting on his journey, Bassett said, “Every path I was going down, looking for peace, I found the moment I accepted Jesus. Despite me mocking God… I had an encounter with the actual, living God.”

As Bassett steps into his new faith, he asks for prayers that he may grow in Christ and that his story might inspire others searching for true fulfillment.

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